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Telescopic cylinders

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Product Picture Telescopic cylinders (suspension H)

Telescopic cylinders (suspension H)

max. Pressure:

300 bar

max. Speed:

0,2 m/s

Temperature range:

-30°C to +90°C

Sometimes telescopic cylinders take a couple of days to arrive. You will receive an E-mail after your order which informs you about the exact date of delievery.

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Datensheet characteristics
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Instructions Telescopic cylinders
Safety Instructions
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Technical Data:
Qty. KAR Y(H) mm ST1 mm ST2 mm ST3 mm ST4 mm Hub mm Ø-A mm C mm Ø-D mm E mm Ø-F mm K mm L mm Ø-Z mm G mm Upward
thrust kN Hinweis
Item No. Price
00 100 45 61 390 80 98 26 293 42 30 25 25 M16x1,5 58,4 CH-294/H 220,04 €
00 100 45 61 500 80 98 26 348 42 30 25 25 M16x1,5 58,4 CH-295/H 226,03 €
0 107 45 61 620 80 100 26 409 42 30 40 40 G1/2 58,4 CH-296/H 232,49 €
0 107 45 61 820 80 100 26 509 42 30 40 40 G1/2 58,4 CH-298/H 276,09 €
1 107 61 76 595 95 115 31 406 58 30 45 45 G1/2 90,7 CH-201/H 256,93 €
1 107 61 76 795 95 115 26 506 58 30 45 45 G1/2 90,7 CH-202/H 294,66 €
1 107 68 88 950 108 128 36 594 65 40 45 45 G1/2 121,8 CH-203/H 416,65 €*
2 107 88 107 930 128 148 36 589 85 40 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-204/H 468,48 €*
1 110 45 61 76 570 95 115 26 293 42 30 45 45 G1/2 90,7 CH-305/H 314,90 €
1 110 45 61 76 910 95 115 26 409 42 30 45 45 G1/2 90,7 CH-306/H 340,29 €
1 110 61 76 91 875 108 128 31 406 58 30 45 45 G1/2 130,1 CH-307/H 350,60 €
1 110 61 76 91 1060 108 128 36 469 58 30 45 45 G1/2 130,1 CH-308/H 387,84 €*
2 110 68 88 107 895 128 148 36 418 65 40 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-310/H 429,58 €*
2 110 68 88 107 1160 128 148 36 507 65 40 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-311/H 516,54 €*
2 110 68 88 107 1300 128 148 36 553 65 40 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-312/H 566,56 €*
3 110 88 107 126 1260 150 170 36 545 85 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-313/H 692,23 €*
3 110 88 107 126 1125 150 170 36 499 85 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-314/H 672,90 €*
3 110 88 107 126 1380 150 170 36 584 85 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-315/H 577,22 €*
3 110 88 107 126 1710 150 170 45 694 85 50 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-316/H 642,11 €*
1 113 45 61 76 91 1190 108 128 26 409 42 30 45 45 G1/2 130,1 CH-445/H 479,61 €
2 113 61 76 91 107 1380 128 148 36 464 58 30 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-447/H 513,50 €*
3 113 68 88 107 126 1520 150 170 36 502 65 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-419/H 569,18 €*
3 113 68 88 107 126 1705 150 170 36 548 65 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-420/H 601,58 €*
3 113 68 88 107 126 1860 150 170 36 587 65 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-421/H 847,27 €*
3 113 68 88 107 126 2305 150 170 36 697 65 50 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-451/H 1.195,43 €*

* Delivery by freight forwarders

Delivery by freight forwarders There is a one-time surcharge for deliveries abroad. For further information and prices, click the symbol.

Product Picture Telescopic cylinders (suspension I)

Telescopic cylinders (suspension I)

max. Pressure:

200 bar

max. Speed:

0,2 m/s

Temperature range:

-30°C to +90°C

Telescopic cylinders take a couple of days till delievery. You will receive an E-mail after your order which tells you about the date of delievery.

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Datasheet characteristics
Datasheet ch...
Instructions Telescopic cylinders
Safety Instructions
Safety Instr...
Technical Data:
Qty. KAR Y(I) mm ST1 mm ST2 mm ST3 mm ST4 mm ST5 mm Hub mm Ø-A mm C mm Ø-D mm E mm Ø-F mm K mm L mm Ø-Z mm G mm Upward
thrust kN Hinweis
Item No. Price
1 197 68 88 950 108 128 36 594 65 40 45 45 G1/2 121,8 CH-203/I 379,23 €*
2 197 88 107 930 128 148 36 589 85 40 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-204/I 381,20 €*
1 200 61 76 91 875 108 128 31 406 58 30 45 45 G1/2 130,1 CH-307/I 281,54 €
1 200 61 76 91 1060 108 128 36 469 58 30 45 45 G1/2 130,1 CH-308/I 338,42 €*
2 200 68 88 107 895 128 148 36 418 65 40 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-310/I 337,69 €*
2 200 68 88 107 1160 128 148 36 507 65 40 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-311/I 410,29 €*
2 200 68 88 107 1300 128 148 36 553 65 40 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-312/I 428,57 €*
3 200 88 107 126 1260 150 170 36 545 85 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-313/I 523,62 €*
3 200 88 107 126 1125 150 170 36 499 85 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-314/I 490,92 €*
3 200 88 107 126 1380 150 170 36 584 85 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-315/I 566,73 €*
3 200 88 107 126 1710 150 170 45 694 85 50 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-316/I 623,07 €*
4 200 107 126 147 1670 178 198 45 699 104 50 50 50 G1/2 339,4 CH-317/I 956,58 €*
1 203 45 61 76 91 1190 108 128 26 409 42 30 45 45 G1/2 130,1 CH-445/I 479,61 €
2 203 61 76 91 107 1380 128 148 36 464 58 30 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-447/I 426,76 €*
3 203 68 88 107 126 1520 150 170 36 502 65 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-419/I 566,86 €*
3 203 68 88 107 126 1705 150 170 36 548 65 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-420/I 550,86 €*
3 203 68 88 107 126 1860 150 170 36 587 65 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-421/I 847,27 €*
3 203 68 88 107 126 2305 150 170 36 697 65 50 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-451/I 846,18 €*
4 203 88 107 126 147 1470 178 198 45 507 85 50 50 50 G1/2 339,4 CH-422/I 967,39 €*
4 203 88 107 126 147 1810 178 198 45 592 85 50 50 50 G1/2 339,4 CH-423/I 1.218,39 €*
4 203 88 107 126 147 2250 178 198 45 702 85 50 50 50 G1/2 339,4 CH-424/I 1.078,95 €*
5 203 107 126 147 170 2200 204 238 45 702 104 50 50 50 G1/2 454,0 CH-425/I 1.445,99 €*
5 206 88 107 126 147 170 2230 204 238 45 595 85 50 50 50 G1/2 454,0 CH-526/I 1.647,04 €*
5 206 88 107 126 147 170 2780 204 238 45 705 85 50 50 50 G1/2 454,0 CH-527/I 1.704,22 €*
5 206 88 107 126 147 170 2035 204 238 45 556 85 50 50 50 G1/2 454,0 CH-528/I 1.178,49 €*

* Delivery by freight forwarders

Delivery by freight forwarders There is a one-time surcharge for deliveries abroad. For further information and prices, click the symbol.

Product Picture Telescopic cylinders (suspension B)

Telescopic cylinders (suspension B)

max. pressure:

200 bar

max. speed:

0,2 m/s

Temperature range:

-30°C to +90°C

Telescopic cylinders take a couple of days till delievery. You will receive an E-mail after your order which tells you about the date of delievery.

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Datasheet characteristics
Datasheet ch...
Instructions Telescopic cylinders
Safety Instructions
Safety Instr...
Technical Data:
Qty. KAR Y(B) mm ST1 mm ST2 mm ST3 mm ST4 mm Hub mm Ø-A mm C mm Ø-D mm E mm Ø-F mm K mm L mm Ø-Z mm G mm Upward
thrust kN Hinweis
Item No. Price
00 283 45 61 390 80 98 26 293 42 30 25 25 M16x1,5 58,4 CH-294/B 220,04 €
00 338 45 61 500 80 98 26 348 42 30 25 25 M16x1,5 58,4 CH-295/B 226,03 €
0 399 45 61 620 80 100 26 409 42 30 40 40 G1/2 58,4 CH-296/B 232,49 €
0 499 45 61 820 80 100 26 509 42 30 40 40 G1/2 58,4 CH-298/B 276,09 €
1 396 61 76 595 95 115 31 406 58 30 45 45 G1/2 90,7 CH-201/B 256,93 €
1 496 61 76 795 95 115 26 506 58 30 45 45 G1/2 90,7 CH-202/B 244,87 €
1 589 68 88 950 108 128 36 594 65 40 45 45 G1/2 121,8 CH-203/B 379,23 €*
2 584 88 107 930 128 148 36 589 85 40 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-204/B 503,92 €*
1 283 45 61 76 570 95 115 26 293 42 30 45 45 G1/2 90,7 CH-305/B 314,90 €
1 399 45 61 76 910 95 115 26 409 42 30 45 45 G1/2 90,7 CH-306/B 340,29 €
1 391 61 76 91 875 108 128 31 406 58 30 45 45 G1/2 130,1 CH-307/B 329,53 €
1 454 61 76 91 1060 108 128 36 469 58 30 45 45 G1/2 130,1 CH-308/B 338,42 €*
2 413 68 88 107 895 128 148 36 418 65 40 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-310/B 462,07 €*
2 502 68 88 107 1160 128 148 36 507 65 40 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-311/B 516,54 €*
2 548 68 88 107 1300 128 148 36 553 65 40 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-312/B 402,25 €*
3 540 88 107 126 1260 150 170 36 545 85 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-313/B 692,23 €*
3 494 88 107 126 1125 150 170 36 499 85 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-314/B 506,93 €*
3 579 88 107 126 1380 150 170 36 584 85 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-315/B 547,58 €*
1 394 45 61 76 91 1190 108 128 26 409 42 30 45 45 G1/2 130,1 CH-445/B 406,02 €
2 449 61 76 91 107 1380 128 148 36 464 58 30 45 45 G1/2 179,8 CH-447/B 513,50 €*
3 497 68 88 107 126 1520 150 170 36 502 65 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-419/B 711,36 €*
3 543 68 88 107 126 1705 150 170 36 548 65 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-420/B 778,16 €*
3 582 68 88 107 126 1860 150 170 36 587 65 40 45 45 G1/2 249,4 CH-421/B 744,07 €*
4 494 88 107 126 147 1470 178 198 45 507 85 50 50 50 G1/2 339,4 CH-422/B 1.023,35 €*

* Delivery by freight forwarders

Delivery by freight forwarders There is a one-time surcharge for deliveries abroad. For further information and prices, click the symbol.

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